Women’s Imbolc Seasonal Circle

Home / Event / Women’s Imbolc Seasonal Circle

february, 2019

01feb7:00 pm10:00 pmWomen's Imbolc Seasonal Circle

Event Details

Kindle the gestational stirrings of Spring during Imbolc (aka. Candlemas), the Celtic fire festival that celebrates the midpoint between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.

It is a time of preparation and clearing space for the new (new growth, new beginnings, new insights).

Attune to intentionally diving into the yogic practice of Sankalpha (a vow or commitment that taps into the deepest Truth of who you are) and how to move into the year ahead using Nature as your guide.: www.SHErevival.ca
Return to the ways of the Earth, the ways of the Seasons.

The seasons are markers of time that acknowledge and celebrate agricultural and astronomical events. Seasonal festivals are determined by where the Sun is in relation to the Earth.

Ready to Connect with Nature?
Step into the Seasonal Circle and…

☽ DISCOVER the wisdom of each season and create a sacred container for your growth
☽ EXPLORE an integrative approach
☽ ROOT to the Earth
☽ TAP into Emboldened Sisterhood
☽ EMBODY Your Soul through Ritual

Register: www.SHErevival.ca
***Registration required. SPACE is LIMITED. Registration closes 24 hours before the event. You will receive a welcome email along with details and a simple “what to bring” list.***

Each Seasonal Circle is a result of years of research, practice and respect for soulcrafting immersed in Nature. Based on the theme and associations of each season (ie. Spring – Renewal; Summer – Connection; Fall – Releasing; Winter – Surrender), you’ll be guided to:

☽ Connect to your Body with accessible mixed-level movement.
☽ Calm your Mind with meditation and self-reflection.
☽ Nurture your Heart with chanting, rituals, creative crafting, and group ceremony.
☽ Honour your Soul with journaling, archetypal wisdom, storytelling, and conversation.
☽ Serve your Spirit by connecting to a unique sense of what is sacred to you.

With decades of experience participating in and facilitating women’s circles and guiding sacred feminine embodiment practices, the SHE Collective Moon Lodge brings ancient wisdom and Nature’s medicine into everyday living to align body, mind, heart, soul, AND spirit.

There is nothing quite like these gatherings.

“The Seasonal Circles became my sanctuary, my safe haven. I loved everything about them – the company, the wealth of new knowledge, the magical blend of science, sociology, psychology, spirituality, and art all rolled into one. I was among like people in a setting where there were no differences and no outside noise – just acceptance and support through diversity of souls and spirits. I was (and still am) proud to be a woman, in all her glory and all her vulnerability.” ~ Kinga Kowalewska-Grochowska  



(Friday) 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Four Corners Event Center

1508 Haultain Street